Mission & Values

Mission Statement

Purpose: To ensure public schools in Williamson County are a place where children of all races and ethnic backgrounds can thrive.

Problem: Student outcome data show persistent inequities across racial/ethnic lines. Across Williamson County, Black students in particular are more than twice as likely to face discipline and half as likely to be enrolled in AP classes compared to White students. We believe these disparities are a clear indication that our purpose has not yet been achieved.

Plan: We advocate for equitable policy at the school board and district levels and fair application of that policy at the school level, while building community support for students, families, and staff of color.

Vision Statement

We envision a Williamson County public school community where students of color are honored for their unique identities and can thrive in schools that are free of racism and filled with respect, understanding, and limitless opportunities for success.

Core Values
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Fairness
  • Truth
  • Anti-racism
  • Support
  • Collaboration
  • Accountability

1. Respect: We value and honor the dignity, worth, and individuality of every student, staff member, and community member.

2. Integrity: We work to uphold the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior so all who work with us can have the highest level of trust in our organization.

3. Fairness: We strive to eliminate disparities and to foster environments where all students have the same opportunities for success.

4. Truth: We believe every student should have access to a robust curriculum that provides accurate and reliable information. We believe in critical thinking and open dialogue, and we work for a learning environment where students are encouraged to question, analyze and seek evidence to form their own opinions. We stand for telling the truthful history of our nation, and we stand against omitting the stories of BIPOC Americans.

5. Anti-racism: We take an active and intentional stance against all forms of racism and racial and ethnic discrimination. We are not passive or silent when we encounter or witness racism. We encourage others to speak out against racism, and we support teachers and staff who do so and face push back.

6. Support: We work to provide support, validation, and affirmation to students and staff who face racial discrimination, no matter how big or small that discrimination may be deemed. We help educate allies, and we provide a broad community network where students can connect with friends and supporters of varied ages and backgrounds.

7. Collaboration: We actively engage in partnerships with students, parents, educators, policymakers, community members, and like-minded organizations, because we believe in the power of community involvement to enhance the educational experience and create a positive impact in the lives of our students.

8. Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and decisions. We hold ourselves and each other accountable for achieving our goals, meeting high standards, and continuously improving our practices.